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Plant nutrient calculators / Pot-to-field and vice versa plant nutrient calculator

The Pot-to-field and vice versa plant nutrient calculator is a unique tool that uses two simple-to-complete Excel spreadsheets. Plant nutrition courier developed this unique tool to calculate the fertiliser dose per hectare from a pot experiment that has the fertiliser dose in grammes per pot. The reverse is also possible: converting a field-applied fertiliser dose to fertiliser application in a pot experiment.

After payment, the tool will be sent to you by email.

Click here for a picture of the spreadsheet for the field-to-pot calculator and here for a picture of the spreadsheet for the pot-to-field calculator.

Until December 31, 2024, Plant nutrition courier readers will receive a discount on the purchase of the Pot-to-field and vice versa plant nutrient calculator: they will pay not 65 but 50 euros.

Price details:
Price per copy:
€ 65,00
Quantity: Order