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Plant nutrient calculators

Do you recognize this?


You are reading a report about a pot experiment. The dose of the fertiliser is indicated in, for example, grammes per pot, or in grammes per element. How do you quickly calculate what the corresponding fertiliser dose per hectare will be?
The unique Pot-to-field plant nutrient calculator tool (spreadsheet) can help you solve this problem. Click here for a picture of the spreadsheet.

And what if you want to convert the fertiliser dose in kilogrammes per hectare to a fertiliser dose in grammes per pot, for a pot experiment?
The Pot-to-field and vice versa plant nutrient calculator can help you with that. This tool combines the 'field-to-pot' calculator with the 'pot-to-field' calculator. Click here for a picture of the spreadsheet for the field-to-pot calculator.

Until December 31, 2024, Plant nutrition courier readers will receive a discount on the purchase of these calculators.

Pot-to-field plant nutrient calculator

Pot-to-field plant nutrient calculator

€ 40,00 p/copy
Pot-to-field and vice versa plant nutrient calculator

Pot-to-field and vice versa plant nutrient calculator

€ 65,00 p/copy