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E-mail Newsletter Maart 2015

This e-mail newsletter is the notification of the delayed December 2014 issue that has just been published.

Sodium increases nitrate uptake in beet
and quality

Sodium stimulates the nitrate uptake in Swiss chard and sugar beet. Potassium enhances the uptake of chloride and this may affect the uptake of nitrate, according to Japanese researchers. Chinese scientists report that sodium chloride alleviates osmotic stress in sugar beet. German researchers have found that sodium substitutes for potassium in sugar beet on K-fixing soils. Read more in the just published December 2014 issue of the Plant nutrition courier.

One nitrogen application will do for wheat on fertile soil

Wheat cultivars of the ‘compensation type’ can thrive on one nitrogen application at growth stage 27 to 32. German researchers conclude this from four years spanning experiments on deep loamy farmers’ fields.

Foliar-applied phosphorus poorly effective for
severely phosphorus deficient wheat

Phosphorus deficiency significantly alters the structure and function of wheat leaves. Compared to leaves from well-supplied plants, leaves of phosphorus-deficient plants are more wettable, less water repellent, but poorly permeable to a foliar-applied phosphorus solution.

Lisianthus thrives on ammonium

Lisianthus on rock wool performs best with 75 percent of the nitrogen in the form of ammonium (NH4+). Researchers found this in a greenhouse experiment with lisianthus fertilised with a nutrient solution with a total nitrogen concentration of 15 mM.

Altered silicon deposition makes grass more palatable

Tall fescue cultivars that have harsh leaf surfaces are unpalatable to grazing cows and sheep. Researchers at the University of York and a Danish seed company have found that ‘harsh’ cultivars have significantly higher silicon contents in leaves than ‘soft’ cultivars. The researchers presented their findings at the 6th International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture.
The Plant nutrition courier has more news from this conference.

And further

● Oxygen enrichment with magnesium peroxide alleviates hypoxic stress
● Wheat profits from a little bit sodium
● Smaller phosphate uptake because of plant growth promoting bacteria
● Phosphate fertiliser from pyrolysed slaughterhouse waste
● High potassium plus ammonium levels can boost yields
● Novel iron chelates outperform Fe-EDTA and Fe-DTPA
● Silage additive enriched with selenium
● Calcium carbonate reduces bacterial wilt

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