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Single issues / Plantnutritioncourier 2024-03


Nitrification inhibition
Novel compounds target nitrifiers not blocked by current inhibitors
Various nitrification pathways
Nitrifiers have natural enemies

Arable farming
High dose of slaked lime provides more plant-available phosphate than high dose of aglime
Amorphous silica promotes potentially beneficial rhizosphere microbes

Nitrate leaching from cattle slurry on grassland lower than previously thought
Gras mixture for low-phosphorus soils

Potato nutrition
Oil radish cover crop increases potato tuber yield
Potato nitrogen nutrition diagnosis estimated using hyperspectral data and machine learning

Fruits, vegetables and ornamentals
More and better tomatoes through foliar-applied silicon
Nitrogen level affects strawberry’s preference for ammonium and nitrate
Simultaneous pH and EC control in hydroponics through tactical addition of ammonium and nitrate

Plant and soil analytics
Soil sample storage conditions affect measured nutrient contents

Designing novel sustained-release urea molecules
Zinc borate co-granulation to reduce boron leaching
Powdered iron phosphate is effective phosphate fertiliser under reducing conditions
Fertiliser with dual-release magnesium for leaching-prone soils
Surfactant improves granule shape in fluidized-bed granulation

Slurry additives
Novel additives reduce emissions from stored slurry

Plant nutrition patents
Recent plant nutrition patent publications

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Price details:
Price per single issue:
€ 50,00
Quantity: Order