Current generation handheld X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysers are applicable for rapid routine and non-destructive analysis of total element concentrations in ground plant tissue samples. So it appears from an exploratory examination conducted by researchers from the University of New England School of Environmental and Rural Science. With this experiment they were able to quantitatively determine 11 elements in samples of three test crops. With a fourth test crop (wheat) they were less successful; the reason for the disappointing results is not yet clear.
British researchers confirm the usefulness of portable XRF spectrometers; they successfully analysed phosphorus and silicon simultaneously in samples of 0.1 g dried and ground plant material.
From another exploratory study with Vertisol soil samples the Australian researchers conclude that portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysers are also applicable for total element concentrations in this soil type.
Source: Plant nutrition courier