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Large parts of the world's agricultural soils are deficient in minerals such as zinc. This limits food and feed production and leads to nutrient deficiency diseases in humans and livestock. In the coming decades, such minerals will probably become much more expensive or even scarce world-wide. This risk should be prioritised in European policies on agriculture, raw materials, development cooperation and innovation.

This is the conclusion of a report and advisory memorandum for the Dutch government prepared by the Dutch Platform for Agriculture, Innovation and Society. Zinc deficiencies occur on a large scale in agricultural soils in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and the north-western region of South America. Every year, an estimated 800,000 people die from zinc deficiency diseases, primarily in developing companies – roughly equivalent to the global mortality from malaria.
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Scource: Platform Landbouw, Innovatie & Samenleving
    21-09-2012 21:40